The exterior is the first impression everyone has of your home. It’s the first thing guests see before they step through the front door and it’s the first thing prospective home buyers judge before they take the open house tour. The point is, investing in and maintaining your home’s exterior is important and can enhance the look of your home tremendously. Fresh paint can enhance the architectural style of your home, make your exterior design stand out, and add charm to the place you return to at the end of each day.

You may already be ready to take on this new project or you might not even realize it’s time for a fresh coat of paint. Timing, as it can typically be, is really everything. There are many ways to determine if it’s time to paint the exterior of your home. Once you’ve identified the need, it’s all about the planning, and there’s truly no better time than the summer months for an exterior paint job.

This guide covers everything you’ll need to know from choosing the right exterior paint, summertime painting challenges and how to overcome them, to tips for house exterior painting in the summer heat.

The Importance of Exterior Paint

Fresh paint boosts your home’s curb appeal, enhances its beauty and facade, creates a specific look and feel, provides protection against harsh weather conditions, and increases your property’s overall value. There are many factors that go into selecting different types of house exterior paint that are more suitable for your specific job in the summer months and all year in general.

Choosing the Right Paint for Your Exterior

To know what exterior paint is right for your home, you need to know what types of house exterior paint are available in the market. Different types of home exterior paints are suitable for varying surfaces and weather conditions. Some choices may be based on where you live geographically and the weather and elements you’ll experience in your area. It’s always a good idea to choose high-quality paints for home exteriors that contain additives and pigments that resist harsh weather conditions.

Types of Exterior Paint

  1. Latex-Based Paint: This type is ideal for exterior surfaces due to its flexibility and resistance to cracking.
  2. Oil-Based Paint: Oil-based paint is perfect for wooden surfaces, offering excellent adhesion and resistance to staining.

Tips for Preparing Your Home’s Exterior for Painting

old home trim needs a coat of fresh paintProper preparation is critical to the longevity and quality of the exterior paint job.

  1. Clean the Surface: Use a power washer to remove dirt and flaky paint. Powerwashing and prepping is crucial for a quality exterior paint job that lasts.
  2. Repair Damaged Surfaces: Inspect the exterior for any damages or cracks. Fill these in with epoxy filler and let it dry before proceeding.
  3. Prime the Surface: Apply a primer to prepare the surface for the new coat of paint once the surface has been properly cleaned.
  4. Implementing the Paint Job: After preparation, it’s time to move on to the main event: painting.

Tools Needed

Prepare the following tools:

  1. Paintbrushes
  2. Roller extenders
  3. Paint sprayers
  4. Ladder

Painting Procedure

Follow this method for a seamless painting procedure:

  1. Cutting In: Start by painting the edges and corners of the walls using a brush.
  2. Rolling: After cutting in, use a roller to paint the remaining wall areas.
  3. Second Coat: Apply a second coat of paint to ensure uniform coverage and enhanced durability.

Post-Painting Care

After successfully painting your home’s exterior, maintenance is key to keep the paint looking fresh and new.

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean the exterior walls regularly to keep them free from dirt and mold.
  2. Touch-Ups: Address any chips or cracks immediately to prevent further damage.


home exterior front porch and front doorWhy Summer is The Best Time to Paint Your Home

An exterior paint job is always a good level-up to consider when you’re a homeowner. But summertime gives you several advantages if you’re considering painting the exterior of your home.

Longer Days Mean Faster Timeline

One of the best things about summer is its longer days full of daylight. More time enjoying and relaxing with family and friends but also more time to complete renovation projects like repainting your home’s exterior facade. Painting in the summer will shorten your timeline so that your project doesn’t feel too drawn out.

Less Rain Means More Painting Days

Generally speaking, there’s typically less rain to worry about in the summer months. Less rain means fewer interruptions of your project which also shortens your timeline until your home’s exterior is complete.

Warmer Weather Makes Paint Finish Top Knotch

When temperatures fluctuate it can cause vulnerabilities in your exterior paint job. This is why summer is such a great time to paint your home because the weather is more stable and your home’s finish will be less likely to be negatively affected by drastic weather changes.

Common Summer House Painting Challenges

Summertime is often ideal for outdoor home improvement projects, and painting your home’s exterior is no exception. However, hot weather can pose some challenges that could compromise your paint job. Here’s a guide on how to overcome common issues when painting your house in summer.

Dealing with High Temperatures

Summer heat can cause paint to dry too quickly, leading to brush marks and clumps. To mitigate this:

  • Plan your painting times: Start painting in the morning or late afternoon when the temperatures are cooler.
  • Work in the shade: Follow the sun around your house, always working on a side that’s in the shade.

Handling Humidity

High humidity can extend the drying time of paint, making it vulnerable to dust and insects. To manage this issue:

  • Check the weather forecast: Avoid painting on days with high humidity or chance of rain.
  • Use a dehumidifier: If you’re painting indoors, consider running a dehumidifier to accelerate the drying process.

Combating Dew and Condensation

Dew and condensation can interfere with the drying process and ruin the finish of a painted home. To tackle this problem:

  • Paint early: Starting your house exterior painting project early in the day leaves ample time for drying before evening dew sets in.
  • Avoid painting on dewy surfaces: If the surface has dew or condensation, wait for it to dry before painting.

Tackling Blistering

Paint blistering occurs when the surface underneath the paint gets too hot, causing the paint to bubble up. To prevent this:

  • Prepare the surface: Properly clean and prime your surface before painting.
  • Use high-quality paint: Opt for paints specifically designed for exterior use and summer weather conditions.

Overcoming Fading

UV rays from the sun can lead to paint fading over time. To combat this:

  • Choose UV-resistant paint: These paints have additives that help protect against harmful UV radiation.
  • Apply light colors: Lighter colors reflect the sun’s rays and are less likely to fade than darker hues.

exterior home and yardSummer Painting FAQs

What is the best time to paint the house exterior?

The best time to paint the house exterior is during dry, warm weather, typically in late spring or early summer.

What’s the outdoor temp range for exterior paint?

An ideal temperature range for painting the exterior of your home is anywhere from 60° to 85° F.

Can it be too hot to paint the exterior of a house?

It’s recommended not to paint the exterior of your home in temperatures that are over 90°F.

Is it OK to paint when it’s humid outside?

It is recommended to avoid painting when the humidity is 85% or more.

Do I need to hire a professional to paint my house exterior?

While it’s possible to DIY, a professional can ensure a high-quality, lasting paint job.

How often should I repaint the exterior of my home?

It depends on the quality of the paint and your local climate, but generally, you should repaint every 5-10 years.

How do I maintain my exterior paint job?

Regular cleaning and timely touch-ups can help maintain your exterior paint job.

What type of paint is best for exterior walls?

It depends on the material of your exterior walls. However, acrylic latex paint is often recommended for its durability and ease of use.


While summer presents unique challenges to house painting, with the right approach and preparation, you can achieve a flawless finish product. Painting your home this summer will enhance its natural beauty and charm, boost the curb appeal, and create a new look that has many benefits. To get a free estimate from one of our painting professionals please contact us today.

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