2018 wasted no time kicking off with one of the most massive snow storms New England has seen in years. Unfortunately, snowstorms can be all too common in this region of the USA, which allows for huge damages to homeowner’s properties. New England isn’t the only area susceptible to storms; regions like the South of Florida can receive intense tropical storms that can do some serious damage to buildings, as do snowstorms. Ultimately, Florida has JAE Construction to help with any serious damages to roofing due to tropical storms, and New England will have equivalent services. However, there are ways you can prevent damage to your buildings during these storms, which will save you money in the long run.

As you head outside to start clearing up the aftermath, we want to share with you some helpful (but easily forgotten) information for keeping your home and business safe. No doubt you will be busy clearing your driveway or parking lot and stairs and walkways, but don’t forget to look up and check your roof! If any issues involving your roof do ensue, you’ll want to have a reliable roofing company on hand to fix any issues. You may want to call on a company such as Division Kangaroof if something like this happens to you. You can visit the website here if you’re interested in acquiring their services for your home.

With heavy snow accumulation comes the increased threat of roof collapse, especially for flat or low pitched roofs. That is why it is important to be aware of not only how much snow has fallen on your roof, but how drifts and melting/freezing can build up. Getting someone from a roofing Loveland company to give your roof a once-over to see what maintenance may be required might not be a bad idea.

Did you know…

Typically found on industrial buildings, flat or low pitched roofs are at the greatest risk for buckling under heavy snow loads and ice accumulations. One cubic foot of packed snow could weigh up to 20 pounds! If it’s ice instead of snow, that can weigh up to 3 times more. Heavy snow accumulation can cause the roof to sag, leading to severe leaks and cracks in ceilings and walls.

If you see your roof sagging or leaking you will want to contact your local building or fire official immediately. Check for sagging roof steel, bends or ripples in metal supports, sheared off screws from steel frames, and water puddles appearing where they normally had not in the past.

Snow Removal Services

Before the snow can cause problems for you, let us clear the excess snow from your roof. This type of service can be very dangerous, so it is best left to a professional team who is fully insured for snow removal – like Arch Painting. Call us at 781.933.9335 and let us help you avoid severe results from the snow and ice resulting from this storm.

We hope everyone out there managed to stay safe and warm during this wild weather!

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