Industrial floor coatings are used for a variety of purposes. They may be used to protect floors from the elements or to increase their resistance to wear and tear. Most often, these coatings are applied in warehouses or other industrial settings where there is heavy use and high moisture levels.
Urethane floor coating
Urethane floor coatings are a great option for concrete, especially when you want to protect the floor. It can be used in many different places like hospitals, schools, warehouses and more. Urethane is durable and easy to clean, making it the perfect choice for industrial settings.
Urethane floor coating is a great way to preserve your concrete floors because it protects them from wear and tear while still looking aesthetically pleasing on top of that! There are many different styles of urethane available so you can choose one that fits perfectly into your design style without compromising its durability or functionality!
Concrete prep/polish
Prep work is an important part of preparing a concrete surface for coating. In the prep stage, you will clean the floor and remove any loose or flaky material. Abrasive blasting is a common method of cleaning and preparing a concrete surface for coating. Abrasives are particles that are shot towards the concrete at high speeds to abrade away any dirt, oil or grime embedded in it.
Abrasive blasting can be done by hand or by machine depending on your needs and budget. Handheld abrasive blasters consist of air-driven sanders that allow you to blast away at specific areas without damaging surrounding areas like floors or walls with excessive overspray from handheld models. Large industrial models can be mounted onto mobile bases so they can be moved around as needed throughout large facilities without having to move heavy equipment around every day.
Epoxy floor coating
Most epoxy floor coatings are a two-part epoxy resin and hardener that are mixed together to form a water-based coating. The mixture can be applied to many different surfaces, including concrete floors and metal surfaces. Both the primer and topcoat must be used for maximum protection.
Epoxy floor coatings are used to protect concrete floors from damage by providing long lasting durability, oil resistance, abrasion resistance, chemical resistance and UV light protection.
Antimicrobial flooring
Antimicrobial flooring is a type of flooring that has been treated with an antimicrobial agent to prevent the growth of bacteria, mold, and mildew. The antimicrobial agent is typically a chemical that is applied to the surface of the flooring material.
Antimicrobial agents are not 100% effective at eliminating all microbes from every surface they come into contact with. However, when used correctly they can significantly reduce microbial contamination in certain areas where people spend most of their time.
Electrostatic flooring
Electrostatic flooring is a new technique that uses an electrostatic charge to bind the resin and resin reducer together. This method has been used for years in the manufacture of industrial adhesives, but until recently it has not been used on floors because of the high voltage required. With today’s energy efficient motors and electronic controls, this process is now safer and more cost effective than traditional methods.
The advantages of using electrostatic flooring:
- Cost-effective – low initial cost and lower maintenance costs
- Environmentally friendly – no solvents or VOCs emitted into the environment during application
- Suitable for high traffic areas where durability and slip resistance are needed
Trowel epoxy flooring system
A trowel epoxy flooring system is a two-coat application. The first coat is a thinned epoxy that’s rolled on and then troweled, which allows for a more even application. This process can be done by hand or with an automatic flooring applicator called a “trowel.”
The second coat consists of another thinned layer that’s brushed onto the floor.
As you can see, there are many options for industrial floor coatings. The right coating will be determined by the type of flooring, its condition and what the owner wants to do with it. If you need help deciding which type of coating is best for your needs, then contact us at Arch Painting today! We have years of experience in industrial flooring and we’re ready to help you with whatever project may come your way